Thursday, May 5, 2011

No Sickies Allowed

I been sick.

I think once a woman becomes a mom, there are a few things that should just be a given.

For example:

- A mom with her kids in the car should always get a parking spot directly in front of wherever she needs to be...
- A mom in a restaurant with her children should never have to say "Can you put a rush on it?" when it comes to ordering...
- Manis and pedis should always be free on Mother's Day...


A mom should NEVER get a cold.

Today is Day 2 of my cold.  There's nothing so brutal as feeling like crap and not being able to just lay in bed and sleep it off.  Some scientist somewhere needs to come up with a vaccine for us moms strictly for this purpose because nothing stops for a mom with a cold.  The 6am wakeup calls still happen; the "Mommy can you do this, get this or play this" still happens.  I guess the one saving grace is that with a stuffy nose, diapers are odorless...there's always a bright side.

My main goal with this cold is to keep consistent with the hand-washing so as not to pass it on to the boys...'cuz even worse is to be a mom with a cold to two little boys with a cold....or a Hubby for that matter...ooh, pass the Vitamin C!

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