This year is my first year of blogging.
So far so good.
I've met a lot of nice people who write a lot of great blogs that inspire me daily.
So when I saw that Liz over at a belle, a bean & a Chicago dog was hosting MugSwap2011, which is sort of like a secret Santa for bloggers, I wanted in! And lucky for me and some other Canadians (or Americans living in Canada - ha! secret's out), she opened up the swap to us Canucks.
The idea is to make a mug with your logo on it, maybe a catchy phrase, and send it to the blogger that Liz matched you up with! How fun!
It's WAS a lot of fun. There was a little anxiety hoping my Mugee would like the mug I designed and also hoping the one coming my way didn't get lost in the mail. When it finally came and I opened it up, I was thrilled to see it was from Leighann over at Multitasking Mumma!
I love it!
She's definitely an inspiring blogger. Just look what her mug inspired me to do:
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That's my somewhat feeble attempt at humour in looking like a "Multi-Tasking Mumma". See how I'm on the phone, baking a cake, drinking a coffee (in my new swanky mug) and blogging all at the same time? (Uh....yeah.)
I do sort of pride myself in being a good multi-tasker (and a big deal on my blog - haha!) so this mug couldn't have gone to a better home in my opinion. In fact, I think most of us moms are great multi-taskers...kind of have to be.
So Thank You, Thank You, Leighann!
My morning coffee never tasted so good...and my mid-morning coffee...and my afternoon coffee.
So Thank You, Thank You, Leighann!
My morning coffee never tasted so good...and my mid-morning coffee...and my afternoon coffee.
Oh, and in case you're interested, my Mugee was Kimberly over at
All Work and No Play Make Mommy Go Something Something and it looked something like this...
...actually it looked exactly like that.
All Work and No Play Make Mommy Go Something Something and it looked something like this...
...actually it looked exactly like that.
Oh man, that is a GREAT idea. I wish I could be in a mug swap. One of Boyfriend's christmas presents is actually a mug I designed with pictures from my blog
I'm so glad it arrived!! You look great multitasking!
Enjoy your mug! I had a great time designing it.
Cool mugs! I think you make a great multi-tasking mumma! I also kind of a big deal...on my blog...some days. :)
You are very that a word?
I love the mug you sent me!
Yay for mugs!
I love Leighann's sense of humor. And she's right - she IS a big deal!!
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