Saturday, May 28, 2011

It's My Birfday

I was born today...well, 44 (gulp) years ago today. 

A lot has happened in the last 44 years.  Let's see, where to begin...

I grew in a womb ... oh, wait, that's maybe too far back. Maybe I'll just talk about the great day I had today.

The first thing that happened was I got to SLEEP IN!!!  The last time I got to sleep in was ... well, I don't know when it was.  Hubby and I used to alternate our sleep-in days on the weekends, but even when it was my day, it wasn't.  The boys just would NOT let me sleep!  But now that I work weekends and leave the house VERY EARLY before anyone else is awake, Hubby doesn't get to sleep in either.  (snicker, snicker...sorry, Hubby, but this kind of makes me happy)

The next thing that happened was my wonderful men brought me breakie in bed.  WOW!  Toast with jam, cantaloupe, coffee and my favourite candy bar, Coffee Crisp (nice touch).

I was then able to carve out a little "me" time and went for a much needed pedicure!  While my toe pampering took place, I got to indulge in watching the girlie movie "Eat Pray Love".  Haven't seen it before so that was an extra treat.  Check out mee new birthday toes:

Wow, really hard to make a toe picture look good.  I find toes really wierd looking...not just mine.  All toes.  Wierd, little stick-like things at the end of your foot...but I digress.

My next birthday treat was going out for lunch with my guys and having a glass of wine.  Ahhh, a glass of wine...a nice, cold glass of chardonnay. (sigh)  Wine always tastes better in the afternoon for some reason.  I should mention I really enjoyed that glass of wine.

I also caught some rays...well, about 2.3 minutes of sitting on my beach chair in a little patch of sunshine on my patio.  Lifting my head to feel the heat on my face, even if it was only a couple of minutes, was heavenly.  (Did I mention I really need a holiday?)

This was going to be a post about how birthdays have changed so much since becoming a mom, but even though they have, I don't want it to appear to be a negative thing.  Because the change is good afterall.

** WARNING:  Sappy Content Ahead **

It's a different kind of fun I get on my birthdays now...I get to see the joy on my kids faces when they surprise me with a birthday gift.  I love to see the pride they have about writing their names all by themselves in my card.  It's the sweet hugs and kisses and the "I love yous" and the sounds of them singing Happy Birthday.  Those are my real birthday gifts...

** End of Sappy Content **

... Oh, and the Roots bag I'm going to buy - yipppeee!!

1 comment:

The Suburban Princess said...

Happy Belated Birthday! Lucky you getting to sleep in!

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