Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The Ghost Of Blogging Past

I've only been blogging since April of this year so I still consider myself a newbie blogger.  There are still lots of things I can't figure out how to do.  

  • I can't for the life of me figure out how to put an Instagram button on my blog.  It just doesn't work for me.
  • I REALLY want to be able to reply to comments in the comment section under a post...am thinking the only way to do that is to change to Wordpress???
  • And how come my image appears only sometimes when I comment on someone else's post.

Arrrrgh!  Those three things drive me crazy.

If anyone out there can help me out with these things - give me some advice - I'm all ears and I'd like to thank you in advance!

Well, enough of that tangent.  The whole point of this post is I'm linking up with Mommy2Cents and Chosen Chaos and sharing a post from my very first week of blogging.  They're calling it "ghosts of blogging past"...great idea!

So here it is, Post No. 2 from April 2011:

P.S. IKEA, I Love You

I have a new-found love for IKEA. It's not for the furniture. It's not for the ball-pit/play area (although now that Big T is tall enough to go in, it ranks high on my list of reasons to love it.) It's not for the $1 chocolate bars or even the cute commercials with that funny Swedish guy...

It's the wine! THEY SELL WINE!! (whoops, did I yell that?)

You've obviously figured out that I'm a mom who doesn't get out much. (I know, sad) And when I do go out, I've usually got the boys in tow. Hubby and I don't have a lot of options for babysitters other than each other. (Insert violin music here)

So the other day my mommy friend and I took our big boys out for the afternoon to this idyllic mecca for weary mums. Our little ones got to stay with the daddies because after all, they're short.

After waiting about 30 mins to put the boys in "the pit" (a lovely sounding place to leave a loved one, I know) we thought, screw shopping...and we headed up (aka sprinted and giggled like giddy schoolgirls) to the cafeteria for some fries and wine...and because we're total health nuts at the moment so it was a way to get our exercise in.

And I've got to be honest...it was soooooo good!

Unfortunately our bliss was cut short when over the loud speaker I heard my name being summoned back downstairs. I had visions of being found out that my kid was in a pull-up - because that is apparently a  no-no - but luckily it was just that the boys were bored and wanted out. Bored? I don't remember a ball-pit being an option when I was 4. I still think they should have a play area like this for adults but that's another post.

Here's a pic I took with my phone. Notice the $1 chocolate bars as well. I think I'll need to start taking my camera with me everywhere from now on because the phone pic just does not do this justice.


Gia said...

THEY SELL WINE?!?!? Truthfully, I've never been to Ikea. Which is nuts because I'm poor and have really cheap furniture. Anyway, if they sell wine I AM SO THERE.

Jenn@Fox in the City said...

I can help with one of your blogging questions! You can add another commening system like Disqus or Intense Debate to a Blogger site. I have been pondering switching to one of those lately as well.

As for Ikea . . . I have only gone there twice in my life but know that I know that they have wine . . . well now it could be a whole other story.

Jamie said...

Fries and wine... heavenly!!

One thing I could help with is the comments... on Blogger I used Intense Debate for commenting so I could do the reply feature you're referring to. I switched to WP today but found ID to help while i was there!

Thanks for linking up with us!

Mommy Inconsistent said...

@ Jenn..thanks! I tried Disqus once and it seemed to delete all the comments on the blog - I probably did it wrong.

@Gia..Yep, wine...at least up here in Canada! With $1 dark chocolate, can't go wrong!!

Mommy Inconsistent said...

@ Jamie...Thanks for the tip...I'm going to check it out today!

The Preppy Girl in Pink said...

My girls could never stand waiting in the line for the ball pit at our IKEA. I seriously never timed it right & I swear that is the only reason I went there...just so I could walk alone for a while all by my lonesome!

Stasha said...

I took my son to IKEA yesterday. I will come and have a glass with you anytime. And chocolate!! Did you see grogg they have for Xmas ?!yummy.

mommyinconsistent said...

Oooh, no didn't see Grogg. You'll have to excuse me while I google exactly what Grogg is now. I'm sure I'll want it! lol.

mommyinconsistent said...

I'm with you! I'm extra excited to go now because my Little K is finally tall enough!

mommyinconsistent said...

Thanks Jenn! Just installed Disqus and look! I'm replying to your comment!

mommyinconsistent said...

That's the reason to go to Ikea...cheap furniture! (and wine)

mommyinconsistent said...

Thanks Jamie!

Mayor Gia said...

That is awesome! Also, this DISQUS commenting form always confuses me. I left the original comment there, but I don't know where my picture/profile went! Woe is me.

JenAimeeWendyRegina said...

So funny - I love the idea of ghosts of blogging past - brilliant!

Mommy Inconsistent said...

I know...I don't know what the heck is going on. I think it's all new comments since me installing Disqus should have their pic. *sigh*

Grumpy Grateful Mom said...

I love IKEA, mostly because their food is superior to mine.

I see you got you have comment replies working! That's was one of the reasons I switched. I felt terrible when someone asked me a question and I couldn't reply and I wanted my reply sent to their email. But this seems to work just as well and is a much easier switch!

I still can't figure out how to get my picture to show up on some of the systems...obviously. :)

Mommy Inconsistent said...

Thanks! Wish I could take credit for that brilliant idea ;)

Mommy Inconsistent said...

Hey Janae, I'm using Disqus which I think I tried before and couldn't get it to work...so here goes another try.

MommyTwocents said...

Okay, so is IKEA a regional thing... cuz I've never heard of it. Sounds awesome though. Sorry I'm just now getting around to reading and commenting. We've been out of town for 2 weeks for the Holidays and we've just gotten back and I'm working on getting my life back to normal!

Thanks so much for linking up with us for Ghosts of Blogging Past! :)

Mommy Inconsistent said...

OMG, you've never been to IKEA...you can check it out at www.IKEA.com ...

Thanks, and I hope the holidays were good to you!