Wednesday, October 26, 2011

He'll Never Catch Me!

As a kid, there was one thing...or one person in particular that scared the poop out of me!  Not literally, but then again, my memory is not the best.  

Anyways, I'd long since forgotten about this person...banished him to the dark recesses of my mind until one day about two years ago when the memories of my childhood fear of this person all came rushing back.  I shudder to think of him even now.

It's this dude...

Aaaaack, I still have a hard time looking at him.  Do you recognize him?  He's the Child Catcher from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.  Is he not the scariest-looking character you've ever seen?

Here's another chilling look at him...

Ooooh, I hope I don't have nightmares about him tonight.  I'm seriously disturbed by him even as an adult.  This dude prances around in a colourful coat, waving lolly pops around, luring 'lil children into his cage on wheels.  Oh, and to add to the terror, he also carries a massive hook around with him.  Charming.

I was reminded about him two years ago when I bought the Chitty Chitty Bang Bang dvd for my boys thinking it would be a great family movie and since they were really into musicals at the time, I thought what a score; I'm such a brilliant mommy.  In my head I heard the catchy tune..."Oh, my Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, we love you..."  You know the one.  And who doesn't adore Dick Van Dyke?  I thought, Hey, I watched this as a kid...

Well, lucky for my wee lads we never got to the point in the movie where we're introduced to the Child Catcher.  I just started to feel a bit uneasy...and then all of a sudden it hit me and I think I suddenly decided that we had to go out and get ice cream or candy or whatever...anything to turn this off without too much objection from them.

I'm a little afraid of adding this video, but I'll be brave so you can see what I mean.  (And I won't watch) I right?  *shudder*

That night I showed it to my husband.  He'd never been subjected to this as a child.  (Lucky bastard)

And then it went into hiding...

I don't remember where I put it...

I hope I never find it...

What a great excuse to never clean out my closets.


Jenny said...

Oh yucka! He is creepy!

Karen and Gerard said...

It was the wicked witch in "Wizard of Oz" that had me spooked for a long time. I had nightmares about her and me.

Stopping by from writers workshop.

Emily Cullen said...

I love it! I saw that movie but I don't remember much of it. Funny what makes an impression on a child, doesn't it?

Shell said...

I never saw that! But I do remember being frightened by kids' movies. Like Pinocchio- I was afraid I'd be turned into a donkey for being bad.

Coffee Lovin' Mom said...

That should be the poster video for stranger danger! I must not have paid much attention because I know I've seen this movie, I'm glad I don't remember him!

Anonymous said...

I have never seen this movie ever... how odd.
You should show it to your children and say never take candy from strangers unless you are there with them.
He is creepy!
visiting from MamaKats losingit.

Hair Bows & Guitar Picks said...

I have never seen it... but might have to now.