Monday, September 12, 2011

I'm Versatile! (just in case you were wondering)

I'm super stoked at receiving this award from Debbie over at Designed Expressions.  Thank you!  Thank you!  I'm a lot little late in my official thank you as life and my new job as a Kindergarten mom has taken a front seat this week.  I don't like when I go a week between posts...I feel so out of touch.  Anyways...

Debbie has a great blog and loves a good party so helps us with all sorts of great tips on planning one.  Something I enjoy myself so I will be keeping a close eye on all her fabulous ideas.  Go check her out!

In order to accept my award I need to divulge some things that you don't know about me...about 7, I believe.  I thought I'd switch it up a bit this time and do it in pictures:

1)  I am an Instagram addict...

Family Portrait Sep 2011

2)  If I didn't meet, fall in love with and marry my Hubby, I would have married this guy:  (Yes, I would have!)

3) I'm a Tupperware Geek and am planning on being a Tupperware Lady:

4) I like dragonflys...I think they're beautiful:

5) I used to be in a New Wave!  Joking!  Just a plain 'ol 80s pic of me and my brothers:

6) I don't like to kill bugs, but go ape shit when I see a fruit fly and then I become a killing machine:

7) I LOVE Halloween and once won a trip to Mexico by winning a costume contest: (not this costume)

So now I'm going to award some blogs that I like with The Versatile Blogger award.  Click on over and give them some love.

1)  Buried With Children
2)  Grumpy Grateful Mom
3)  Beautiful Spitup

I shouldn't stop there because there are so many great blogs out there that I love!  I will add more later.  I've been working on this post for a good week now and have not had a I'm just going to hit the publish button before my head hits the keyboard, 'cuz I am exhausted.  (Being a Kindergarten mom takes a lot out of a girl)

1 comment:

Grumpy Grateful Mom said...

Hey, just stopping in and noticed my name. Thank you!!! And congratulations on your well-deserved award.

You are awesome to be Kindergarten mom. That sounds like a lot of work, but I bet it's fun too. I need to get a better phone so I can use Instagram. And I LOVE the 80s shot. Are you sure you weren't in a band? :)